I know, I know, I know… we’ve pretty much disappeared off the face of the earth. So quick update on whats been happening!!
Sarah has been super busy with college; she’s currently completing her Advanced Diploma in acting and on her 3 days off and nights, she’s usually working for Mecca.
Alana is songwriting her little heart away as usual and is working with new artists; and of a weekend is teaching a modelling masterclass with Model Scout Academy.
We a trying so so hard to find time to create more content together, but its so difficult when Sarah is getting back around 10pm of a night and leaving again at 6am. Once Sarah is on holidays and finishes her diploma, we will have more time together!
In the meantime though, we have FINALLY made our way through all the Priceline goodies, we have tested out most of them and we have compiled a list of things that a definitely try worthy and things that you can leave on the shelf (Sorry Priceline!! But we gotta be super honest here.)
Keep an eye out for posts over the next few weeks as I start writing my opinions. If you’ve had a different experience though, feel free to let us know!